How to pass the video assessment?

There is two video role play that needs to be done for the video assessment.


You MUST make reference to the following items in your video:

  • State your Full Name
  • State your Date of Birth
  • Show your Proof of Photo ID document (for e.g., current driver’s license, passport, etc)
  • PLEASE NOTE: Proof of identity MUST be provided 

You MUST make reference to the following items in your video:

  • Identify at least TWO (2) early indicators of potential intoxication and identify suitable intervention strategies to prevent intoxication.
  • Speak using appropriate language and tone of voice and effective conflict resolution skills
  • You must make mention of the State Laws and Regulations
  • You must make it clear that by law if they become intoxicated they cannot be served another drink and as a result, you must ask them to leave the venue
  • You can refer to RSA Signage.
  • Offer the patron water or soft drinks
  • Offer the patron the food menu


You MUST make reference to the following items in your video:

  • Demonstrate the procedure to refuse sale or service of alcohol and assist intoxicated customer:
    • in emotional or physical distress, AND
    • with no food consumption during extended service of alcohol.
  • Speak using appropriate language and tone of voice and effective conflict resolution skills
  • You must make mention of the State Laws and Regulations
  • You must make it clear that by law they cannot be served another drink and as a result, you must ask them to leave the venue, and
  • You must refer to RSA Signage to re-enforce your decision
  • You must make an offer of Safe Transport
  • Inform/alert security, bar staff, and the manager about the offensive or disorderly behavior of the customer who has left.