What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)?
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is a way to use your existing skills and knowledge to get a formal qualification. Previously, the term was skills recognition.
It involves documenting and providing evidence of your current experience and having this and your knowledge assessed, considering other qualifications you may already have. It means you don’t have to waste time learning things you already know how to do.
Can anyone apply for RPL?
Yes. Anyone can apply for RPL. What you need to pay will depend upon your circumstances.
I have no qualifications from my industry but I have skills, knowledge and experience gained from working in that industry. What can I do to have these skills recognised?
The RPL process considers all relevant skills, knowledge and experience that you have regardless of the way you got them. This includes experience and training you have gained through paid work, volunteer work or just life in general.
Through the RPL process, you may be able to gain the complete unit.
Does RPL have the same requirements as other assessments?
Yes. The RPL assessment process is as rigorous as any other assessment. However, the type of evidence that you need to provide may be different from normal class assessments.
Importantly though, the RPL process is flexible. You and your assessor will discuss and determine the evidence you can provide.
What will RPL cost?
What you need to pay will depend upon your circumstances. This will be advised at the time of application.
How long will it take?
This will depend on how much RPL you are applying for. Your assessor will be able to advise you on how much time it is likely to take you to complete your RPL process.
How difficult is it for me to apply for RPL?
After you discuss your skills, knowledge and work experience with your assessor to work out if RPL is right for you, applying the RPL and going through the assessment process should be straightforward.
We will
- provide you with information on the RPL process;
- help you with any forms that need to be completed;
- discuss the evidence required; and
- support you through the process.
What is involved in the assessment process?
Once you and your assessor agree that you are a suitable candidate for RPL you will be required to gather evidence which proves your competence. When you provide evidence, you may be required to:
- answer questions about your work experience in an interview;
- demonstrate your skills and knowledge by completing practical tasks or showing your assessor how you would complete a task; and
- provide supporting evidence such as a resumé, job description, reports from employers/supervisors.
This evidence must confirm that you have shown competence over a period of time and can work under different conditions.
If I need help at any time during the process, what can I do?
Your training assessor is there to help you. Contact your assessor at any time, if you are not sure what to do or if you need help to gather evidence.
What can I do if I am not happy with the result of my RPL application?
If you are not happy with the outcome of your RPL application, we have a process to follow, ask your assessor for further information on this.
If my application for RPL is unsuccessful, will I have to pay again if I enrol in the class?
No. Your RPL application is the same as any enrolment and you should continue with completing your online course.